quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2012

Church News

“Golden Days” Event to Celebrate President Monson’s 85th Birthday.

August 17, 2012
“Golden Days: A Celebration of Life” will take a nostalgic look back at President Monson’s illustrious life and decades of service.

On Friday, August 17, 2012, at 8:00 p.m., thousands of people will gather in the Conference Center to participate in “Golden Days: A Celebration of Life,” honoring the upcoming 85th birthday of President Thomas S. Monson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Orchestra at Temple Square, and notable guest artists (who will be announced at a later date) will perform beloved Broadway selections and other favorites.
“We are very pleased that talented solo artists will be joining the choir to honor this great man,” choir president Mac Christensen said. “I happen to know the songs being performed will delight President Monson.”
Former San Francisco 49ers star quarterback and professional football Hall-of-Famer Steve Young will share master of ceremony duties with national network news anchor and author Jane Clayson Johnson.
“President Monson has served other people all of his life. I know that he’s more comfortable in that role than having any accolades focused on him,” Brother Young said. “This celebration is a great way to let him know how much he is loved and appreciated. It’s a privilege to play a small part in that recognition.”
“So many around the world have been influenced by President Monson’s warmth, compassion, and genuine love of people,” said Sister Johnson. “We celebrate and honor his extraordinary life of service and leadership.”
The evening will also take a nostalgic look back at President Monson’s illustrious life—from his childhood, marriage, and stint in the Navy during World War II to his decades of service. President Monson was called as the bishop of a congregation at age 22 and has served for nearly a half century as a General Authority of the Church.
Free tickets are required to attend the celebration. Because of high demand for tickets, they will be distributed through a random selection process. Those interested may register at www.lds.org/events or by phone (801-570-0080 local or 1-866-537-8457 toll free) beginning on Saturday, June 16, at 12:01 a.m. and ending on Monday, June 25, at 11:59 p.m. mountain daylight time.
Those selected will be notified by e-mail on Thursday, July 5, 2012.
Not all registrations will be selected to receive tickets, and only one registration per household can be accepted. The maximum number of tickets that a household may request is four. Tickets will be mailed to those selected shortly after the registration process closes. Persons not selected to receive tickets will be notified by e-mail.
Standby tickets for those without tickets will not be issued. However, patrons are invited to stand by for last-minute seating. The standby line will form at the north gate on Temple Square prior to the event.
The program will also be shown at various LDS stake centers over the Church satellite system on Saturday, August 18, with subsequent rebroadcasts to many areas of the world.
In addition, the performance will be rebroadcast in its entirety on BYUtv on Saturday, August 18, at 7:00 p.m.; Sunday, August 19, at 10:00 a.m.; and Monday, August 20, at 3:00 a.m. mountain daylight time.
BYUtv International will broadcast the performance in Spanish and Portuguese on Saturday, August 18, at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, August 19, at 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. mountain daylight time.
KBYU Eleven will air the program on Sunday morning, August 19, at 7:00 a.m. mountain daylight time.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Orchestra at Temple Square, and notable guest artists will perform beloved Broadway selections and other favorites.

segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2012

Historic Nauvoo Building Houses New Family History Center

Salt Lake City — 
In the midst of sacred early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) the faith has opened its newest Family History Center in a historic building in Nauvoo, Illinois.
The historic Clark Store, at the corner of Knight and Bluff streets, has been restored and modified to house the new center which is adjacent to the Church’s Nauvoo temple.
The Clark Store was built by Raymond and Louisa Clark in 1844. Early converts to the Church, the couple built the two-story brick home and used the top floor as their home. The rest was used as a mercantile store, offering extra income for the Clark family and providing another shopping opportunity for residents on the Nauvoo bluff.
The Clarks sold the home and store in 1846 and left never to see “Nauvoo, the Beautiful” again. For a number of years, the building was used as a hotel and a boarding house but then it was abandoned. The Church purchased the property in the 1970s and carefully preserved it. Since then the home has been used as a house, visitors’ center for the Nauvoo temple and now as the Family History Center.
Joy Price is serving as a family history center missionary with her husband Merlin. She is a third great granddaughter of Raymond Clark who built the structure. “It’s humbling to me to be here,” said Price, “where they (the Clarks) sacrificed so much, and to walk where they walked.” When she is in the home and reflecting on her ancestors who built it she thinks of the couple’s three children playing. The Prices are living in the upstairs part of the new center right where the Clarks called home. While the interior of the home is modernized for today’s living standards, the exterior of the building is much the same as it was in the 1800s including several other historic structures in the city of approximately 1,000 people.
Nauvoo’s  mayor, John McCarty, participated in opening the center by cutting the ribbon and receiving a copy of his family’s genealogy stretching back eight generations in Nauvoo. It was noted that George Bratz, a Swiss emigrant in 1846 and part of the McCarty family also served as the mayor of Nauvoo.
The center features 16 high speed computers that are dedicated for the use of those who wish to discover records of their ancestors. This service is free to the public and includes access to FamilySearch.org, Ancestry.com, Fold3.com and Findmypast.co.uk and other useful related genealogical search websites.
The Church has 4,600 centers around the world, all of which are branches of the world’s largest Family History Library located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Local publication The Hawk Eye covered the Family History Center opening.

Church and Red Cross Sign Agreement to Continue Relationship

Salt Lake City — 
A partnership of service has been renewed between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and the American Red Cross to help those in need.
Gail McGovern, president and CEO of the American Red Cross, told a news conference at the Church’s Welfare Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Wednesday, 20 June 2012, that the new agreement includes greater coordination with the Church in sponsoring blood drives.
“Every two seconds someone in our country needs a blood transfusion,” said McGovern. “And, time and time again, Church members have rolled up their sleeves to make life-saving donations, and that is such an act of generosity. Here in the Utah region, Latter-day Saints donate 50,000 units of blood annually in Church-hosted blood drives.”
The renewed partnership means the Church will increase its participation by hosting more blood drives in meetinghouses and other Church facilities.
McGovern explained the Red Cross ships six to ten million units of blood per year to hospitals. In the Utah region, the Church’s effort of sponsoring blood drives accounts for 25 percent of all the blood donated.
“I would like the public to know,” said McGovern, that “the Red Cross is more prepared than ever when disaster strikes because of the relationship we have with the LDS Church.”
The two organizations have worked together very effectively for more than 25 years in disaster relief, blood drives, financial and in-kind donations and the Measles Initiative, which has resulted in vaccinating 213 million children in more than 40 African countries.
In addition to blood drives, the Church will be involved in disaster planning, training and drills and in identifying shelter locations.
“The Church has created a strong culture of preparedness among its members,” McGovern said.  “I believe it can be a model for others throughout the country.” The Church counsels members to be prepared for a personal emergency or natural disaster by preparing emergency plans and having basic emergency supplies on hand.

quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2012

New Logo Sud News International

Hyde Park Open House - News London

London — 
Members and friends are invited to attend an Open House at the Hyde Park Chapel to celebrate the new Visitors’ Centre on Saturday, 30 June 2012.
Located in the heart of London, the Hyde Park Chapel was briefly closed whilst improvements to the building were made. Now available to the public, the new Visitors’ Centre allows individuals to learn about the history of the Church and purpose of the Gospel through interactive media displays and full-time missionaries.
For more than 50 years, the Hyde Park Chapel has played an important role in the lives of members within the UK and abroad. It is a focal point and source of identity for church members, who are drawn from more than 110 nations. Within the inspired building, individuals have gained testimonies of the Gospel, forged lasting relationships and enjoyed many gatherings and social events.
In 1961 President David O McKay dedicated the Hyde Park Chapel with approximately 1,600 members in attendance. Quoting writer John Ruskin he stated: “When we build let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for the present delight, nor for present use alone; let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for and let us think as we lay stone on stone that a time is to come when those stones will be held sacred.”
The Chapel is located on Exhibition Road in central London. The neighbourhood is also home to world-famous museums and universities, and receives more than 11 million visitors annually.
The Hyde Park Open House will take place on Saturday, 30 June 2012, beginning at 13:00, with a musical programme to commence at 15:00. Following the programme, refreshments will be served. All are invited to attend this historic event and are encouraged to bring family and friends.

segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012

London Olympic 2012

Olympic, is a dream for every athlete from every country. It is the most prestigious event in all over the world which is known as the greatest show on the earth. In this great event thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. In this event almost 200 countries attend to raise their flag higher then others. Although the first Olympic was hold inGreecewhere the athletes from different area were participated but now it is the world wide event.
london olympic 2012
InGreecefrom the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD the old Olympic was hold but later Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894. From then IOC started to spread the theme of Olympic in all over the world and after a lot of try Olympic got this international event shape.

Olympic 2012

Who knew that the Olympic from Greece will spread all over the world one day?  Who knew that instead of the athletes of Greece athletes from all over the world from almost 200 countries will attend this greatest show on the earth?
london olympic 2012
This was possible for the French man Baron Pierre de Coubertin who founded International Olympic committee in 1894.

Manaus Brazil Temple - Picture

News in Slovak Republic

V každej spoločnosti sú ľudia, ktorí potrebujú pomoc. Cirkev Ježiša Krista Svätých neskorších dní pomáha, keď človek, ani s pomocou svojej rodiny, nemôže pokryť svoje základné potreby. Toto je v súlade s učeniami evanjelia Ježiša Krista, ktoré hovoria, že si máme navzájom pomáhať niesť svoje bremená (Galatským 6:2). Sociálne a humanitárne programy Cirkvi sú známe a rešpektované po celom svete. Sú štruktúrované tak, aby pomáhali človeku postarať sa o seba samého. Na prvom mieste týchto programov je princíp práce a samostatnosti.
Cirkev pomáha svojím členom v núdzi, ale tak isto poskytuje humanitárnu pomoc iným ľuďom po celom svete, bez ohľadu na ich vierovyznanie, farbu pleti, alebo národnosť. Napríklad, po skončení druhej svetovej vojny Európania obdržali jedlo, šatstvo a iné potreby od členov v Európe, a aj z iných krajín po celom svete.
Humanitárna pomoc bola poskytnutá ľuďom zo 147 krajín a každoročne činí desiatky miliónov dolárov.
V rámci svojho programu humanitárnej pomoci, organizácie Cirkvi, „HLT Aktion Nothilfe" v Nemecku a „LDS Charities" po celom svete často spolupracujú s uznávanými humanitárnymi organizáciami ako je Červený Kríž.

Jumal kutsub, rahvas toetab

Esimene nõuandja Esimeses Presidentkonnas

Kirikus kutsutakse meid sageli toetama inimesi kutsetes teenimisel. Aastate eest näitas mulle üks 18-aastane üliõpilane ilmekalt, mida tähendab Jumala teenijate toetamine. Tema alandlik eeskuju on mulle õnnistuseks tänaseni.
See noormees oli just alustanud oma esimest ülikooliaastat. Ta oli saanud ristitud aasta enne seda, kui ta lahkus kodust, et alustada õpinguid ühes suures ülikoolis. Mina teenisin seal tema piiskopina.
Kui kooliaasta algas, oli mul temaga kabinetis lühike jutuajamine. Ma ei mäleta sellest esimesest jutuajamisest palju, ainult seda, et ta rääkis oma väljakutsetest uues kohas, kuid meie teist jutuajamist ei unusta ma kunagi.
Ta palus minuga kohtumist mu kabinetis. Olin üllatunud, kui ta küsis: „Kas võiksime teha koos palve ja kas mina võiksin selle öelda?” Ma pidin ütlema, et olin juba palvetanud nagu ilmselt temagi, kuid nõustusin.
Ta alustas palvet tunnistusega teadmisest, et piiskop on Jumalast kutsutud. Ta palus, et Jumal ütleks mulle, mida ta peaks tegema ühes suurte vaimsete tagajärgedega küsimuses. See noor mees väljendas Jumala ees oma veendumust, et piiskop juba teadis tema vajadusi ja ta saab nendes asjus vajalikku nõu.
Kui ta rääkis, tulid minu silme ette konkreetsed ohud, millega ta võib silmitsi seista. Nõuanne talle oli lihtne, kuid antud suures selguses – palveta alati, pea kinni käskudest ja ära karda.
See noormees, olnud aasta Kiriku liige, õpetas eeskujuga, mida Jumal saab teha juhiga, keda toetavad usus ja palvetes need, keda ta on kutsutud juhtima. See noormees näitas mulle üldise heakskiidu seaduse väge Kirikus (vt ÕL 26:2). Kuigi Issand kutsub oma teenijaid ilmutuse kaudu, võivad nad tegutseda alles pärast seda, kui neid toetavad need, keda nad on kutsutud teenima.
Oma toetava häälega anname pühaliku lubaduse. Me lubame palvetada Issanda teenijate eest, et Ta juhiks ja tugevdaks neid (vt ÕL 93:51). Me tõotame, et otsime ja tahame tunda Jumalalt saadud inspiratsiooni nende nõuannetes ja kõiges, kui nad oma kutses tegutsevad (vt ÕL 1:38).
Seda lubadust peame oma südames sageli uuesti üle kordama. Teie pühapäevakooli õpetaja püüab õpetada Vaimuga, kuid nõndasamuti nagu teie, võib ta klassi ees vigu teha. Teie aga saate otsustada kuulata ja jälgida neid hetki, mil te tunnete Jumala inspiratsiooni. Õige pea märkate vähem vigu ja rohkem tunnistust sellest, et Jumal seda õpetajat toetab.
Kui me tõstame käe kellegi toetuseks, siis pühendume töötama selle nimel, milleks Issand selle inimese on kutsunud. Kui meie lapsed olid väikesed, kutsuti mu naine õpetama meie koguduse väikeseid lapsi. Ma mitte üksnes ei tõstnud kätt tema toetuseks, vaid palvetasin tema eest ja palusin luba teda aidata. Õppisin hindama naiste tegevust ja Issanda armastust laste vastu ning see õnnistab mu perekonda ja elu tänaseni.
Ma rääkisin hiljuti selle noormehega, kes toetas oma piiskoppi aastate eest. Ma kuulsin, et Issand ja inimesed olid toetanud teda tema kutsetes, kui ta teenis misjonärina, vaiajuhatajana ja isana. Ta ütles meie vestluse lõpus: „Ma palvetan endiselt Teie eest iga päev.”
Me võime otsustada palvetada iga päev kellegi eest, kelle Jumal on kutsunud meid teenima. Me võime tänada kedagi, kes on õnnistanud meid oma teenimisega. Kui keegi, keda oleme kutses toetanud, otsib vabatahtlikke, võime ennast appi pakkuda.1
Neid, kes toetavad Jumala teenijaid Tema kuningriigis, hoiab Tema võrreldamatu vägi. Seda õnnistust vajame me kõik.
1. Vt Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith, 1998, lk 211–212.

Kui olete seda sõnumit teistega jaganud, võiks lugeda ette järgmise tsitaadi: „Issand teeb teid tööriistaks oma käes, kui te olete alandlik, ustav ja töökas. … Te saate lisajõudu, kui teid toetab kogudus ja teid ametisse asetatakse” (Teaching, No Greater Call,1999, lk 20). Laske perel koguneda ühe raske eseme juurde ja paluge ühel inimesel see ese üles tõsta. Kutsuge üksteise järel teisi pereliikmeid talle appi. Arutlege, mis mõju sellel on, kui kõik kaasa aitavad. Rõhutage president Eyringi nõuannet selle kohta, kuidas me saame praktikas teisi nende kutsetes toetada.
Tänu mu pühapäevakooli õpetajale
Nimi avaldamata

Minu pühapäevakooli tunnis ei valitse alati austav meeleolu. Mulle meeldib iga nädal tundi kuulata, kuid vahel tundub, et teistele tunnisolijatele ei meeldi. Sageli räägitakse omavahel või mängitakse elektrooniliste vidinatega sel ajal, kui õpetaja püüab meid õpetada. Kurb, aga vahel leian, et ka mina olen probleemis osaline.
Ühel nädalal olime hullemad kui tavaliselt ja tunni lõpuks oli meie õpetaja peaaegu pisarates, sest keegi ei kuulanud teda. Kui me klassist välja kõndisime, oli mul temast väga kahju.
Järgmisel pühapäeval selgitas see õpetaja meile, et ta oli nädala jooksul juhatuse saamiseks palju palvetanud ja talle oli tulnud mõte, et peaks meile ühte Kiriku filmi näitama. Ta pani mängima filmi, mis rääkis Jeesuse Kristuse elust ja Tema sooritatud imetegudest.
Kui ma hiljem õhtul sellest filmist mõtlesin, siis tundsin end kuidagi teistmoodi. Ootamatult mõistsin, et ma tundsin Vaimu rohkem kui kunagi varem. Kohe otsustasin, et tahan teha oma elus muudatused, et olla rohkem Päästja sarnane, ja ma mõistsin, et see püha päevakooli kogemus tol päeval oli suuresti tugevdanud mu tunnistust. Ma olen nii tänulik oma pühapäevakooli õpetajale kõige eest, mida ta meie tunnis igal nädalal teeb.

教会の概要 > 福祉・緊急時の備え・人道支援 -News Japan

私たちは,主イエス・キリストの弟子でありたいと思います。生活をこれらの福音の原則に添わせながら,個 人とし て家族としてよく備え,教え,心を高揚させ,理解を深め,啓発し,また霊感を受けられますように。私は神が生きておられ,イエスがキリストであることを明 かしします。また私たちが教会の福祉計画と呼んでいるこのプログラムが,神より与えられたものであり,神の子供たちに祝福を与え,昇栄をもたらすものであ ることを心より証申しあげます。
「個人と家族の福祉に関する指導原則」トーマス・S ・モンソン


「私 たちの周囲には,助けの必要な人,助けるに値する人が数多くいます。主イエス・キリストに従う者としての私たちの生涯の使命は,人を救うことでなければな りません。家のない人,飢えた人,貧しい人々がいます。」(ゴードン・B・ヒンクレー,聖徒の道,1992年1月,63




A Month of Miracles

Elder Stephen C Kerr
Before his mission, my mission president Ben E. Lewis was the executive vice-president of Brigham Young University. I had an opportunity to meet with him at the end of his mission. As we sat in his office, I asked him what he would do when he returned home. He answered that he knew exactly what he would be doing. He pushed a letter across his desk for me to read. President Lewis had been assigned by the First Presidency to raise a considerable amount of money for Brigham Young University. I asked President Lewis the obvious question: “How are you going to raise so much money?” He answered simply, “I will ask people for their money.”
That simple answer taught me so much. President Lewis would invite people to act. He knew his invitation would make a difference, and it did.
This month is one of invitation. Our Area Presidency has said: “We invite every member within our sphere of influence to prayerfully select someone to invite to attend sacrament meeting with them in June.” 1
Agency is an eternal governing principle of the plan of happiness. The Lord Omnipotent Himself acts by extending invitations to His children. 2
Man is created to act.
“Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be. All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.” 3
There is something very special about the word ‘invitation’: it is kind, it is thoughtful, it is inclusive, and it is generous. Who is not thrilled to receive an invitation?
In my experience, people rarely—if ever—are offended by receiving an invitation; people are much more likely to be offended when they are not invited.
Let’s speak plainly: when we have experienced the love of God in our own lives, it’s not so difficult to summon up the courage to invite someone else to receive the blessings of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 4
Of course, they may either accept or decline our invitation. But truth be told, while I am not accountable for the choices others make, I am accountable for helping others by inviting them to do that which is good.
“But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.” 5
So, how will we ‘invite’ others in this month of invitation?
First, ponder. Make a list of those you would like to invite to come to sacrament meeting with you. Remember, the Holy Ghost loves lists! Names and faces will come into your mind. Your feelings of love for the people on your list will deepen. It is an act of faith on your part to make such a list. And such faith does not go unrecognised or unrewarded by heaven.
Next, pray often about the people whose names are on your list. Ask Heavenly Father to soften their hearts to receive an invitation. Consider fasting for help.
Then, make the visit. Do not let fear quench your faith. 6 Open your mouth. 7 The Lord will give you the words. 8 “I’d like to invite you to come to church with me. Will you come?”
 “When you have done your very best, you may still experience disappointments, but you will not be disappointed in yourself. You can feel certain that the Lord is pleased when you feel the Spirit working through you.” 9
As we follow these simple steps and exercise faith in the Lord, I humbly and sincerely promise to everyone who reads this message that June 2012 will become a month of miracles. Our faith will be strengthened and the Church of Jesus Christ will increase in numbers and in spirit.

domingo, 10 de junho de 2012

Temple Manaus Brazil

A partir da esquerda, a irmã Harriet Uchtdorf, Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, o Élder Quentin L. Cook, do Quórum dos Doze e Irmã Mary Cook participar da cerimônia de pedra fundamental antes da dedicação do Templo de Manaus Brasil.

        A fé eo compromisso de santos dos últimos dias aqui pode ser comparado ao do Rio Amazonas, disse o Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Tanta vida com fluxo profundo e forte.
        Presidente Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, dedicou o Templo de Manaus Brasil em 10 de junho.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
A partir da esquerda, a irmã Harriet Uchtdorf, Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, o Élder Quentin L. Cook, do Quórum dos Doze e Irmã Mary Cook participar da cerimônia de pedra fundamental antes da dedicação do Templo de Manaus Brasil.
O templo é 138 da Igreja em todo o mundo e sexto no Brasil - onde há mais de 1 milhão de membros.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, cumprimenta membros após a dedicação do Templo de Manaus Brasil.
      Os líderes da igreja determinados a construir o templo depois de anos de sacrifício pelo Santos dos Últimos Dias na Bacia do Rio Amazonas para chegar ao templo em outros estados do Brasil.
     Por quase 20 anos, os membros da Igreja de Manaus, uma cidade isolada por grandes rios e florestas, viajavam em caravanas para freqüentar o templo em São Paulo, Brasil - uma viagem de 15 dias de ida e volta de barco e ônibus - e, em seguida, Caracas, Venezuela - uma viagem de oito dias de ônibus.
    Durante a cerimônia de pedra fundamental da manhã de domingo(10) no templo, o Presidente Uchtdorf elogiou o legado deixado em Manaus hoje por pioneiros Santos dos Últimos Dias de uma geração atrás.
    "Quem teria pensado [30 anos] que aqui no Rio Negro não haveria este belo edifício de um templo", disse ele.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, e Irmã Harriet Uchtdorf antes da dedicação do Templo de Manaus Brasil.
        Então, ele acrescentou: "Agora vamos para a frente e terminar o trabalho."
      Após a aplicação de argamassa para a pedra angular por ele mesmo, ele chamou os outros presentes para fazer o mesmo. Irmã Harriet Utchdorf, esposa do Presidente Uchtdorf, foi seguido Élder Quentin L. Cook, do Quórum dos Doze e sua esposa, Maria, Élder William R. Walker, o diretor Setenta e executivo da Igreja do Templo de Departamento, e sua esposa, Vicki; membros da Presidência da Área Brasil e membros da presidência do templo.
      Presidente Uchtdorf então chamando filhos - "o futuro da Igreja" - para avançar.
     As chuvas torrenciais - ou, como Presidente Uchtdorf apelidou, "sol líquido" - começaram a cair como pedra angular assim que a cerimônia terminou.
   A chuva é comum na região, conhecida pela sua água vivificante e florestas exuberantes. Ambos foram comemorados por mais de 1.200 santos dos últimos dias em um programa cultural em 9 de junho(sábado).
    Fazendo referência ao rio que define esta área, o Presidente Uchtdorf disse aos santos dos últimos dias que eles são fortes. "O rio Amazonas, de muitas maneiras, representa a sua fé", disse ele.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Membros no templo após a dedicação domingo, 10 de junho.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, participa da cerimônia de pedra fundamental do Brasil Manaus Templo domingo, 10 de junho. A partir da esquerda, Tom Coburn da Igreja do Templo, Departamento Gabruel De Lucena Diniz, 6, Lucas Glavao, 6, Lívia Lima, 7, e Giovanna Galvão, 10. Élder William Walker, dos Setenta, é no fundo.
   Notando que tinha visto parte da área ao longo do rio Amazonas, um dia antes, o Presidente Uchtdorf disse o peixe, os animais e plantas da região são "impressionantes e belas."
    E, continuou ele, assim como as florestas tropicais são essenciais para o mundo ", o seu exemplo de dedicação ao evangelho de Jesus Cristo será uma bênção para o mundo."

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Manaus Brasil Templo domingo 10 de junho.
Ele fechou por promissores Santos dos Últimos Dias em Manaus que as gerações futuras olharão para trás e "obrigado por sua dedicação e fidelidade para fazer um templo possível."
Edith e Marcelo Gall, os diretores da celebração cultural, disseram esperar que a produção apresentada tenha demonstrado a riqueza da Amazônia e os belos animais, florestas e plantas. A celebração musical também destacou culturas Francês, Inglês e Oeste americano que se uniram em Manaus.
A celebração terminou com uma homenagem aos missionários, que ajudaram a Igreja a crescer no norte do Brasil, e aos membros pioneiros em Manaus.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, e Irmã Harriet Uchtdorf cumprimentar os membros após a dedicação do Templo de Manaus Brasil.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, e Irmã Harriet Uchtdorf cumprimentar os membros após a dedicação do Templo de Manaus Brasil.
    "Nós queríamos mostrar o crescimento da Igreja em Manaus e os desafios dos membros da Igreja a ir ao templo", disse Gall irmã.
     Dezenas que serviram como missionários SUD em Manaus retornaram ao Brasil para a celebração cultural e dedicação do templo. Além disso, eles participaram de reunião da missão e organizou um projeto de serviço local.
     Ben Martinsen de St. George, Utah, tem vindo a acompanhar o progresso do templo dos Estados Unidos desde a abertura de terra em 2008. Ele serviu como missionário no Brasil, de 1999 a 2001. Ele disse que não posso acreditar que o crescimento da Igreja tem experimentado na cidade nos 11 anos desde que ele voltou para casa.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, e Irmã Harriet Uchtdorf participar da cerimônia de pedra fundamental antes da dedicação do Templo de Manaus Brasil.
      Élder Claudio R M Costa dos Setenta serviu como presidente da Missão Brasil Manaus, quando a missão foi aberta em 1990. Naquela época havia apenas um estaca na cidade. Dois anos depois, em 1992, o primeiro grupo de santos dos últimos dias fez a longa viagem para oSão Paulo Brasil Templo - venda de grande parte do que possuía para pagar a viagem.
      Sem um templo em sua cidade, membros de hoje ainda se sacrificariam  para freqüentar o templo, ele disse.
    "Eu tenho uma relação de confiança que o templo de Manaus vai estar muito ocupado, a cada dia, porque essas pessoas amam o templo", disse Elder Costa. "Eles ensinam seus filhos a amar o templo. O templo é muito precioso para eles."

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf cumprimenta crianças após a dedicação do Templo de Manaus Brasil domingo, 10 de junho.Centenas na fila para obter um vislumbre do segundo conselheiro na Primeira Presidência. Também participam a esposa do Presidente Uchtdorf, Harriet, e Élder Quentin L. Cook e sua esposa, Mary.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
A partir da esquerda, Lívia Lima, 7, Giovanna Galvão, 10, e Emily Pereira, 7, relógio como Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf participa da cerimônia de pedra fundamental do Brasil Manaus Templo domingo, 10 de junho.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Coro realiza durante a cerimônia de pedra fundamental do Brasil Manaus Templo domingo, 10 de junho.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weaver
Presidente Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Segundo Conselheiro na Primeira Presidência, participa da cerimônia de pedra fundamental do Brasil Manaus Templo domingo, 10 de junho. Também participam a esposa do Presidente Uchtdorf, Harriet, e Élder Quentin L. Cook, do Quórum dos Doze e sua esposa, Mary.

Foto por Sarah Jane Weave

sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2012

Heimsþing um fjölskyldur - News Islândia

Öldungur Erich W. Kopischke, af hinum Sjötíu og forseti Evrópusvæðis Kirkju Jesú Krists hinna Síðari daga heilögu hélt ræðu á VI Heimsþingi um fjölskyldur í Madrid, Spáni.
Í ræðu sinni á VI Heimsþingi um fjölskyldur í Madrid, Spáni, lagði öldungur Erich W. Kopischke, af hinum Sjötíu og forseti Evrópusvæðis Kirkju Jesú Krists hinna Síðari daga heilögu, áherslu á mikilvægi hjónabandsins og fjölskyldunnar í nútíma samfélagi. Systir Mary Ellen Smoot, fyrrverandi aðalforseti Líknarfélagsins, sem er kvennfélag kirkjunnar, kynnti ræðuna hans.
Honum var boðið að mæla til áheyrenda á opnunarhluta þingsins og þar sagði hann: „Siðmenning og samfélög verða aðeins jafn sterk og fjölskyldur þeirra. Hugmynd þessi hefur líklega verið sögð ótal sinnum á fjölskylduráðstefnum og ráðstefnum eins og þessum víða um heim. Ég ætla að bæta við þann augljósa sannleika eftirfarandi staðhæfingu:  Fjölskylda getur aðeins verið jafn sterk og hjónabandið sem hún byggist á.“
Samhliða samkomum þingsins sótti öldungur Frerich Görts, fyrrverandi ráðuneytisstjóri í þýsku ríkisstjórninni og núverandi fulltrúi kirkjunnar hjá stofnunum Sameinuðu þjóðanna, alþjóðlegan þingræðislegan umræðufund. 
Á umræðufundinum voru þekktir aðgerðasinnar og leiðtogar samfélags-, menntunar- og rannsóknarstofnana ‒ sem standa vörð um fjölskylduna og grundvallarreglur lífsins ‒ ásamt stjórnmálafulltrúum, komnir þar saman til að kryfja og finna hugsanlegar lausnir á stjórnmálalegum og löggjafalegum þáttum, sem og áhrif þeirra á siðmenningarsamfélög.  
Meðan öldungur Kopischke ávarpaði yfir 2000 manns, sem voru fulltrúar hundruð fjölskyldustofnana og fræðisetra, og öldungur Görts ræddi við stjórnmálaleiðtoga samfélaga, sáu trúboðar almannatengsla, öldungur Jim og systir Carol Brande, um bás á sýningasvæði Heimsþings um fjölskyldur, með hjálp kirkjumeðlima á svæðinu.
Þess var vænst að hinn fallegi og hlýlegi bás, þar sem fjölskyldukvöldið var kynnt, sem kirkjan innleiddi árið 1915 til að hvetja foreldra til að styrkja fjölskylduböndin, myndi laða að hundruði gesta. Þar gátu gestir horft á valin fjölskyldutengd myndbönd, kynnst því hvernig kirkjan stendur vörð um hina hefðbundnu fjölskyldu og haft með sér eitthvað sérstakt til minningar. 
Sýningarsvæðið var opið þar til þinginu lauk, sunnudaginn 27. maí.

41 TAHUN MENUJU PASAK - News Indonésia

Come to the Temple- News - New Zeland

Hamilton New Zealand TempleHamilton New Zealand Temple

There are many accounts in the scriptures demonstrating that throughout history the temple has played an important part in the lives of the children of our Father in Heaven. In this, the last dispensation, we know that it is in the temple that we learn of the crowning blessings and ordinances that can lead us to Life Eternal in the presence of our Father in Heaven and his Son Jesus Christ.

For example:

Chapters 6 to 8 of First Kings record King Solomon's building of a temple unto the Lord. Only the finest of materials were used to construct it. The dedicatory prayer offered by King Solomon asked that "Thine eyes may be open towards this house night and day ...." and "Hearken thou to the supplication of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, when they shall pray toward this place ...." indicating the special place that the temple would occupy in the lives of the people.

On January 1 2000 at the commencement of a new century, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issued a special testimony of the Saviour. In it they said "His way (emphasis added) is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come". Then in Isaiah 2 we read "the mountain of the Lord's house shall ... be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it ... and many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways (emphasis added), and we will walk in his paths". It is in the temple that our relationship with the Saviour and a fuller understanding of his teachings and his ways can be so much enhanced.

Chapter 52 of Jeremiah records the destruction of the temple and carrying away of the people out of Jerusalem to Babylon. Many years later under King Darius, and then King Cyrus, the Israelites were invited to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. In Chapter 3 of Ezra, we learn of the joy of the people when the foundations were laid – "And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets ... And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the Lord; ... and all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid." Then when the temple was completed and at its dedication (Chapter 6 of Ezra), the people offered as a sacrifice "one hundred bullocks, two hundred rams and four hundred lambs" indicating their "joy ... in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel".
Few will be unfamiliar with the wonderful address of King Benjamin recorded in the early chapters of the book of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon. King Benjamin invited the people to come to the temple to hear this important address, but "For the multitude being so great that King Benjamin could not teach them all within the walls of the temple ...". So the people "pitched their tents round about the temple, every man having his tent with the door thereof towards the temple ...". It is not surprising to me that for this very important event, the people gathered to the temple.

In the book of Revelation in the New Testament, in regard to the blessings that come from serving in the temple we read: "And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? ... And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more. ... For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes". Oh what incomprehensible joy in the presence of our Saviour we can look forward to as we strive to live righteously and to the fullest extent we are individually able, make those sacrifices that will be necessary to ensure that we feel of the Saviour's love in His temple as often as we can.

A revelation received by Joseph Smith and recorded in Section 84 of the Doctrine & Covenants refers to the temple to be built at Kirtland: "For verily this generation shall not all pass away until an house shall be built unto the Lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it, which cloud shall be even the glory of the Lord, which shall fill the house". Then from Section 109 of the Doctrine & Covenants, the dedicatory prayer for the Kirtland temple that was given to the prophet Joseph Smith by revelation, we learn what that "Glory of the Lord" can mean to those who are leaving the temple after serving therein – "And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them". Given that this prayer was received through revelation, we can be confident that these wonderful blessings requested by a prophet of the Lord are being fulfilled and are available to us each time we leave the temple after service therein.

And then our current and beloved prophet, President Thomas S Monson has said: "The all-important and crowning blessings of membership in the Church are those blessings which we receive in the temples of God. ... My beloved brothers and sisters, may we make whatever sacrifices are necessary to attend the temple and to have the spirit of the temple in our hearts and in our homes. ... If you have been to the temple for yourselves and if you live within relatively close proximity to a temple, your sacrifice could be setting aside the time in your busy lives to visit the temple regularly. ... As you and I go to the holy houses of God, as we remember the covenants we make within, we will be more able to bear every trial and to overcome each temptation. In this sacred sanctuary we will find peace; we will be renewed and fortified".

To these wonderful witnesses of the divinity and importance of the House of the Lord, I add my own, which, over nearly 50 years of regular attendance at the temple, culminating in having the privilege and blessing of now serving full time for a period, has progressively filled my soul with an undeniable testimony that the temple is truly the House of the Lord. My regular attendance at the temple with my eternal companion allows me to bear a firm witness that the work undertaken here is real, true and divine. Sister Cuff and I have seen the joy in those that come to the temple regularly, we have assisted young couples to prepare for and participate in their temple marriages, and have subsequently seen many of them regularly return to further enjoy the wonderful spirit of the House of the Lord, adding to our knowledge that this work is of eternal significance.

And so we say to all, "Come to the Temple" and share in the eternal blessings that are here for all to receive, not only those blessings that come from performing the essential work for our kindred dead, but also for our own edification and spiritual upliftment that will continue to arm us with the blessings we need to assist us in our quest to achieve eternal life with those that we love.

CONTRIBUTED BY: President Ross J Cuff, First Counsellor, Hamilton New Zealand Temple Presidency

Artista SUD se destaca en escenarios del mundo - News Bolívia

Por: Guillermo Estrugo, Director de Asuntos Públicos del Área SANW
César Aedo Vásquez es un artista creador y director de espectáculos, miembro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos días que se ha destacado por presentaciones exitosas de varios shows César Aedoen diferentes escenarios del mundo.
Bautizado junto a sus padres en el año 1964, sirvió una misión de tiempo completo. Años después se selló en el templo de Salt Lake City con Lisa Jorgensen con quien tiene 3 hijos: Markus (20), Zachary (12) y Hannah (9). El hermano Aedo ha sido notificado por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores para recibir la Distinción con la “Orden de Comendador de la República”. Esta distinción la reciben artistas que por su talento y trayectoria se han convertido en embajadores de la cultura nacional.
El profundo deseo de caminar la segunda milla lo llevó a capacitarse en el arte del mimo y el teatro en París, Francia, con uno de los artistas más reconocidos del mundo, Marcel Marceau. Dos de las obras más impresionantes del artista son: “El Vuelo del Cóndor” vista por más de 9 millones de personas en EEUU y “Paukartanpu” que lo presentó por primera vez en Cuzco y que se presenta en Lima, Perú desde el 19 de marzo en La Videna del Distrito San Luis.
Actualmente pertenece al barrio La Molina de la Estaca La Molina en Lima Perú. Es Maestro de la Escuela Dominical en Inglés de los jóvenes de 14 a 17 años. Jóvenes que indudablemente lo ven no sólo como un maestro o amigo, sino como un ejemplo de que los talentos deben estar al servicio de la sociedad (DyC 60:13). Con sus alumnos ha compartido en más de una oportunidad el sentimiento profundo de gratitud que tiene para con El Señor al entender que lo que ha logrado es “sólo porque El Padre Celestial lo ha permitido”.
 Luego de muchos años fuera de su país natal, el Hno. Cesar Aedo ha regresado para hacer realidad un sueño, crear una propia forma de expresión artística inspirada en la riqueza cultural de los países andinos y así poder elevar la calidad de entretenimiento de las familias con los valores de la Iglesia restaurada de Jesucristo.